Siteless House: DFD Precast Concrete House

Advanced robotic fabrication and design-computation for precast self-compacting concrete
Collaborating Partner: Cemex Global R&D

Siteless House explores an alternative approach to relocatable housing through the development of a new type of Design-For-Disassembly (DFD) light-weight precast concrete tectonic that operates as a structural building envelope with integrated floor and foundations. A design-computation and fabrication method for robot hot-wire cutting of expanded polystyrene (EPS foam) was developed to enable the design and engineering of light-weight high-strength loose-fibre reinforced precast concrete building component parts. Each part is able to be produced with variable geometrical form and surface articulation in order to further increase the material efficiency of each part, while exploring scale-free modes of architectural design expression. The research is on-going with a 1:1 prototype house planned for construction in the 2021-2 academic year.

Lead Research Professors: Robert Stuart-Smith and Masoud Akbarzadeh
Researchers: Mariana Righi, David Forero, Bowen Qin, Riley Studebaker, Yi Dazhong, Yuxuan Wang, Jiangson Yuan, Emma Peng, Musab Badahdah, Ian Pangburn